Korttidsleie og mobilnøkler

Korttidsleie og mobilnøkler



Hvordan være en trygg Airbnb-vert

Are you planning to make the most of your summer travels by renting out your apartment and earning some extra cash? Look no further than the convenience of mobile keys! Simplify the hosting process while ensuring security, convenience, and remote management. With mobile keys, managing your listing remotely, sending keys to guests, and staying informed about arrivals and check-outs have never been easier. Explore the endless possibilities of renting out your apartment hassle-free this summer.

As the sharing economy continues to flourish, many individuals are discovering the joys of renting out their spaces on platforms like Airbnb. Whether it's a cozy apartment, a charming house, or a serene cabin in the woods, homeowners are tapping into this opportunity to earn some extra cash. And with the rise of remote hosting, traditional key exchanges have become a thing of the past. Enter the era of mobile keys — a revolutionary solution that offers convenience, enhanced security, and unparalleled tenant satisfaction.

Convenience and Security, Hand in Hand 

Say goodbye to the old days of coordinating key handovers or worrying about lost keys. Mobile keys, like Unloc, offer a super secure self check-in experience. Each guest gets their own unique digital key that's tied to their profile, so you don't have to worry about unauthorized access. No more fumbling with key boxes or dealing with duplicates. It's peace of mind for you and a stress-free check-in for your guests, and as a host, you can manage your listing remotely from anywhere.

Manage Your Listing from Anywhere, Anytime

Now here's the real magic of mobile keys: you can manage your listing from the palm of your hand, no matter where you are. Imagine sitting on a beach sipping a cool drink while effortlessly sending mobile keys to your guests, granting access to cleaners, or even receiving notifications when guests arrive or check out. It's like having a personal assistant taking care of everything for you. No more running around or feeling tied down to your apartment. You're free to enjoy your summer adventures while staying on top of your hosting game.

It's Time to Boost Your Bank Account

In addition to the convenience of mobile keys, renting out your apartment during the summer offers a fantastic opportunity to earn extra income. With the sharing economy thriving, travelers are always on the lookout for comfortable and flexible accommodations. By using mobile keys and the ease they bring to hosting, you can tap into this opportunity and turn your apartment into a lucrative revenue stream while you're away. It's a win-win situation— managing your listing remotely has never been easier and your guests get the best and most flexible self check-in experience possible.

Take advantage of your travels

So, this summer, take advantage of your travels and turn your apartment into a profitable asset with the help of mobile keys. Unloc's mobile keys app offers a seamless and secure hosting experience, ensuring convenience, enhanced security, and remote management. Say goodbye to the hassles of physical keys and the limitations of in-person key exchanges. With mobile keys, you can rent out your place hassle-free and enjoy the benefits of sharing your space — whether that’s across the country or on a beach far far away, with an umbrella drink in your hand. Either way, mobile keys are the key to seamless hosting.

Read more: Why "self check-in" is the #1 value driver for your Airbnb listing.

Want help getting started with mobile keys?

Get in touch now, and we'll help you enable your doors.